Will Gordon Brown call an election in 8 days?

Monday 17 September 2007

Brown attacked over Northern Rock

The Lib Dems and Torries have blamed Gordon Brown for failing to stop the "reckless" lending which they say led to the near collapse of Northern Rock.

Here we go, Gordon Brown bashing, as a Conversative myself, I should really be supporting David Cameron's attack on Brown, however I fail to see how we can hold Mr Brown fully responcable for the problems which Northern Rock are currently facing.

The Prime Minster spent the past 10 years building the British economy, it may be built upon debt-but where in the world is there a country who's people are totaly debt free? It seems to me that people are looking for someone to blame. But Mr Brown isn't the man.

If the public want to blame someone for the near collpase of Northern Rock they should look to themselves. If the public hadn't taken over 4% of the bank's deposits then it would have been fine, however these people who are institing that they take all of their savings are causing this demise.

If in the next few days Northern Rock goes under I hope that those people who have withdrawn £10,000's will see their direct hand in the matter, and I hope they see what diffculty they are creating for people who haven't empted their accounts or rushed out to change mortage provider.

Politics is as easy as 1,2,3

You heard it folks, politics is as easy as 1,2,3, unless you strugle with numbers-then it may be somewhat difficult. Politics is just dressing things up differently,having an opinion and trying to run your country through voting. Not always easy, but it has the potentental to be very ea